This past weekend I was in DelRay Beach with 55 passionate fitness professionals who are leaders in our industry.
This message today is not directly related to youth athletes, but I believe strongly that when the leader (parent, coach, etc) gets better, everyone gets better. That includes our kids. Enjoy
Here are my top 3 takeaways from the weekend- I hope they inspire you, remind you of something you may need to be reminded of, and challenge you to be a better version of yourself.
#1 Know What You Stand For
A definition of a lighthouse is to stand for something.
We need more light in the world. Therefore, we need more people who stand for something.
What do I stand for?
- Love: love-powered leadership, love-powered coaching
- Constant Growth- getting out of my comfort zone, embracing change
- Generosity and service- giving 60, taking 40
- Dreaming big, not insulting God with small goals
- Mentoring- reaching down and bringing others up, particularly our youth and those who influence them
What about you? What do you stand for? Write it down and remind yourself WHO you are and WHAT you are all about.
#2 Gratitude is a Habit not a Feeling
Imagine having a grateful heart during times of scarcity, disappointment, or fear…
It’s possible.
We were asked to write non-stop for 3 minutes about what we were grateful for and appreciative of in our lives.
Doing that exercise reminded me of quite a few things that up to that point, I had not truly taken the time to experience heart-felt gratitude for.
What you choose to notice and appreciate determines how you feel.
Perhaps right now your heart and perspective could benefit from 3 minutes of a gratitude dump!
“It’s hard to be hateful when you’re grateful.”
#3 “I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must CHANGE if they are to get better.” - George Lichtenberg
Are there things in your life right now that you have the power to change, but you’ve been avoiding because it would be hard and uncomfortable? Are you being short-sighted?
Coming into this weekend, I had a few things I was unaware of.
What decisions, if made right now, would result in a better life for you and for others? Where can you get the COURAGE you need?
Consider the delayed gratification of making such a change, as well as how it would grow you as a person, and make it today.
Thanks for reading my friend. Enjoy your Sunday and we will talk soon.
Dedicated to your success in sports and life,
Coach Andrew J Simpson