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Go on a trip with your child

Go on a trip with your son or daughter. One at a time.

One thing I wish I would have pulled the trigger on is a trip with my dad. I always talked about it, but I thought I had plenty of time. You better believe Jack and I will be having experiences ​together.

Get out of the weeds of life where stress is high and to-do lists never end, and go to work ON your most important relationships.

Breakthroughs happen when you are away.

I imagine a world where children and parents have breakthroughs together.

They learn together.

They grow together.

They experience together.

This past weekend I had a breakthrough experience with two of my teammates in California.

We went to a retreat together, went through powerful exercises together, did a hike together, heard some amazing speeches together, and broke bread together.

Seek out an experience that you can do with your son or daughter. Something combines the power of:


  1. Getting away to a beautiful place and disconnecting from everyday life  
  2. Learning and growing: a conference would be a great thing for a parent and child to do together  
  3. Eating good food together (should be easy)

Don’t wait. We are not promised tomorrow. Make the most of this day and prioritize what matters most.

Dedicated to the joy and success of your family,

Coach Andrew

Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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