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"You can suffer or you can adjust."

"You can suffer or you can adjust."

I had lunch yesterday with a long time friend and mentor and he dropped this powerful one-liner.

He was talking about a situation in his business where a new owner was coming in and his employees were nervous that things wouldn't be the same, things would be worse, and that they would "suffer" in a sense.

"You can suffer or you can adjust" he said to his employees.

Translation for Young Athletes:

During Transitions-- i.e. a new coach, a new team, a losing record, a new role on your can choose to suffer or you can choose to adjust.

Athlete, I'm talking to you here. Which path would you like to take? Adjusting means you are going to be OK regardless of if the circumstances are good, bad, or neutral. Adjusting means you will make progress and feel happier along the way.

Choosing to suffer (which it is, a choice) means you are going to blame, make excuses, be frustrated, and wish things were the way they used to be. I do not recommend this path!

Say this with me out loud:

"I am flexible. I am adaptable. I will adjust."

You've got this.

Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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